2011. október 28., péntek

Polyhedron construction (pyramid)

Nr. 010

I found a homework from a faculty of Mechanical Engeneer of BME homepage. Let's see the problem:
Construct a right pyramid with base hexagonal ABCDEF square. The A and B points are laying on the e=XY line, the base circle is given by O, witch is laying down on the secondprojeting plane of e. The height of the polyhedron is m. Choose the right side of the solutions. Show the visibility. X(30,115, 240); Y(165, 40, 50); O(60, 65, -); m=110

Here the construction step by step:


Transversal 3. (normal transversal)

Nr. 009
Special transversal is perpendicular to the skews lines.
Here the steps to the construction:

Transversal 2. (paralell with a direction)

Nr. 008
Second part is to draw a transversal paralell with a direction between two skew lines.


2011. október 27., csütörtök

Transversal 1. (throught a point)

Nr. 007
Let's see a tipical problem with skew lines. Find the solution under in the link of drawing a tranzvesal throught a given point between 2 skew lines.
