2011. május 29., vasárnap

Lecture Note Nr2.

Nr. 005
The second is one of my favourite geometry teacher's notes. Really good stuff. Unfortunatley it is in hungarian but I hope it may help a bit.


2011. május 1., vasárnap

Hiperbolic paraboloid

Nr. 004
The next practice. It was a midterm.
Find below the task and the solution:

Let's see the intersection of the cone and the cylinder

Nr. 003
Here a practice for a midterm. It s an intersection of a cone and cylinder.
The task note and the solution:

Lecture Note Nr.1

Nr. 002
I want to post some helpful notes from the net above the "lecture note" label.
The first one is on the site of the Department of Architectural Representation at BME. It is a really good material for the foundation priciples. It is not so deatiled, I would say it is a good summary with spectacular illustrations.


Nr.1. First note...

Nr. 001

I hope my page can help you to find the beauty of the  geometry! :D